“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
― John Holmes
Programs We Offer
Emergency Shelter Program
The Emergency Shelter program provides food, shelter and clothing to women/children that need a safe place to stay until they are able to relocate to a place of their own. While in the shelter, the women attend support groups and are given assistance with job search, obtaining public assistance, housing, childcare and legal assistance.
Children Advocacy Program
The Children’s Advocate works with the young victims of domestic violence through play therapy and support groups to help them cope with what they have experienced.
Legal Advocacy Program
The Haven’s Legal Advocate accompanies the clients to their court appearances, helps them obtain a Temporary Protective Order and walks them through the legal process.
Rape Crisis Program
The Haven houses one of the few free-standing full-service rape crisis programs in the State of Georgia. Rape/Sexual Assault victims in The Haven’s nine county service area no longer have to be treated in the emergency room of their local hospital. The Rape Crisis Center provides confidential, private exams by Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (S.A.N.E.’s) who are certified and trained by the Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault. Law enforcement are able to interview the victim while the details are still fresh in her mind in confidential and comfortable surroundings. The RCC works with the victim through counseling, support groups and legal advocacy.
Outreach Advocacy Program
The Outreach Advocacy program assists clients that may not need shelter, but still need assistance in the transition to independent living. The Outreach Advocate will meet the families and follow up through phone calls and assist them in any needs that may come up.
Case Management Program
Enables clients to set short term goals and make a plan to achieve those goals while in the shelter. The case manager is the main liaison between the clients in the shelter and the agencies that the clients are seeking services from.
Follow Up Program
Once the families leave the shelter, an Advocate will follow up with them for up to 6 months. The women/men are given help with budgeting, parenting skills, job search, life skills and transportation. The goal of this program is to make the transition to independent living easier on the families.
Rapid Re-Housing Program
Rapid re-housing is a homeless assistance strategy that provides homeless families with immediate, temporary assistance to help them return to permanent housing and to promote their housing and economic stability. The Haven Case Manager uses donations brought in from the community to help furnish the clients new home.
Therapy Program
The Haven’s therapist is licensed in Marriage and Family Therapy. Our therapist specializes in crisis intervention, trauma, sexual assault, domestic violence, and family therapy. During a therapy session, options are discussed with the victim and individual support is offered to assist with the healing process. The Haven’s Therapy program offers an array of services and support groups which include Individual Sessions with Adult and child/children, Family Sessions with Survivor and child/children, Community Awareness Groups in the shelter and community, Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR), and monthly community support groups offered to domestic violence and sexual assault survivors.